Sunday, November 15, 2015

Everyday is a Gift and 10 years is certainly a Blessing!

I sit in shock as I learn about the developments of the devastation in Paris. I was just there the end of September to enjoy the beauty, lights, fashion, history, art, food and overall allure of Paris.  This is another reminder that life is uncertain and precious.  

Tomorrow I celebrate my 10 year since I was diagnosed or my Cancerversary.  I'm having a tough time this year.  Someone in her 30's passed last month.  Some in her 30's passed last week.  Someone that is in her 30's is not doing well now and it is all because of something so unfair and so far no known cure for it:  Breast Cancer.  

War on terrorism and war on cancer have so many similarities and yet so many differences.  The stark difference is that terrorism happens to be because of choices people make.  As for cancer, typically good life choices and our environment MAY help combat cancer but many times it is because our cells start to multiply too quickly.  At times it may be genetics but we're finding it to be about 10-15% of most cancers.  It may increase as more and more genetic tests are being offered for breast cancer.  Since the June 13, 2013 the Supreme Court ruling against the BRCA testing, it went from 2 genetic mutations to testing 23 that are standard and newer companies testing 30 mutations and all for a much less expensive cost!  Talk about amazing!

Anyway, back to my post.  Yes, all this is scary.  Happy 10 year Cancerversary to me.  It is a nice to acknowledge that but it also hurts to so many are dying and suffering because of this disease.  Then it angers me to know that hundreds of people died and are injured from last week's terrorist attack in Paris.  Live well.  Live with intention.  Be kind to yourself and others.  We have only this one life.  

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