I have my biannual scans tomorrow...my insurance will cover everything but my PET. They will determine whether or not I need the PET after they get the results of my CT. It makes sense to them for me to have to take an extra day off of work, drink the gross barium and to have to stay with a no carb diet. I know that I should simply be thankful that I have insurance but it makes me realize how everything with our insurance company boils down to $$$. A PET scan is over $6000. That is a lot of money but they are saving a boat load of money if I DON'T have to have chemotherapy again. I'm trying to stay positive.
The FORCE conference was last weekend in Orlando, FL. I'll be working on my notes and posting it on here. It's rather interesting and very helpful for those that are still considering prophylactic surgeries. The above picture is me with Dr. Susan Love! It was an honor to hear her speak and to chat with her afterward! Great things in our horizon!
By the way, my CA125 test went down to 18! Woohoo! Again, not the most reliable test but glad it went down. Also, they said at the conference that a good age to have your ovaries removed is 35 to 40 if you're BRCA positive. Buying time!