Friday, December 9, 2011

My New Hair Cut

Here you go! This is my before picture:

This is my after picture. Remember that I'm growing out the back to donate to Wig for Kids. It requires 12 inches so most likely I'll grow it out for two more years since I don't want my hair to be super short after it is cut. 12 inches is long so hopefully I'll continue to be patient.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gene Patenting Case Update

Just a quick update that ACLU will see if the Supreme Court will take the gene patenting case of ACLU vs. Myriad on the patenting on BRCA1 and BRCA2. More info here.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

35th Birthday Birth Month

What a great birthday celebration! As of last year, I decided that I 100% believe in celebrating all month verses one day. Don't we all deserve a month? Also, it is less stressful for friends and loved ones to try to celebrate on that exact day or if they forget and wish you a belated birthday. My birthday is usually close to Thanksgiving or on Thanksgiving so I'm not about to compete with a national holiday! We kicked things off by listening to a local cover band in Austin the Skyrockets which are always great fun. We had a fantastic turnout and I think everyone had a great time singing and dancing! Nothing beats spending time with your favorite people!

I stayed out much later than I've stayed out in ages. I had only one glass of wine but was dragging the next day. Most be how 35 feels like? Ha!
This is Kelly and she's my twin sis. She's 366 days younger than me and she'll never let me live it down. I tell her I'm 366 days wiser.

This is the dessert that broke by 2.5 months without a real dessert or processed sugar. My sister and brother-in-law took me out for my birthday to La Condesa. This is a moist flourless chocolate cake with a little kick in it. The top had the creme brulee crust and so did the plantains. The ice cream on top was banana. The cake itself wasn't too sweet and it was still hot out of the oven. The cold and sweet ice cream complimented the dessert perfectly! We finished it off with dark and bold decaf french press coffee. Yum!

On my actual birthday I took the day off of work and went to the gym, saw my acupuncturist, lunched at Steeping Room (make reservations from this point on,) Twilight's Breaking Dawn and then dinner at Brick Oven with friends. I also got tons of calls, texts, emails, cards and Facebook messages so I felt pretty loved. I even got a text from an old friend that I'm not too close with anymore. It was such a pleasant surprise!

I'm now 35 and it's crazy to think that I'm actually 35. Cheers to 35 and another wonderful year!