Sunday, September 13, 2009


Life is about balance. I've dabbled in raw. I've dabbled in vegetarianism. I recently read somewhere about flexetarianism. A flexetarian is a person that eats mainly vegetarian but still consumes meat. That's me!

I still start every weekday with a green drink, red if I throw in a beet. My green drink is raw and contains vegetables, fruit and hemp protein. I found blending to be more cost efficient and less wasteful than juicing. You can use any blender you buy at Target though you will not be able to blend tougher vegetables well like kale. It's a good idea to invest in either a Blendtec or Vita-mix. They are $400 or more but it's worth it if you plan on blending often. I initially had a Jack La Lanne blender for $100 and it worked well until it started leaking. You cannot buy replacement parts unlike the other two I mentioned. Blending also allows you to consume needed fiber. Even so, it was not enough to sustain me as meal. I now have my green drink with a hard boiled egg and some keifer.

For lunch I typically have a large salad with raw cheese. Some days I will add in fish, chicken, avocado or nuts for my fat and protein.

Snacks usually consists of fruit, nuts, raw bar or flax crackers.

Dinner is fairly normal but typically healthy. It may or may not contain meat.

I try to always have raw dessert on hand because I have such a sweet tooth. Using fruit or agave nectar really makes the dessert satisfying and healthy.

Typically I do not eat grains that much. If I do, I try to eat quinoa or sprouted grains. Things I always keep in my freezer/fridge: brown rice tortilla, manna bread and Ezekiel bread w/o soy.

When I eat out I typically get a salad, with our without meat. There are days that I splurge and get my stuffed chicken poblano. Z'tejas and Sagos make the best stuffed chicken poblano in Austin! Also, variety is the spice of life. My waiter the other night told me this. Of course it's an old adage but he's right!