Friday, October 30, 2009

Four Year Cancerversary

My four year cancerversary is November 16, Monday. It's hard to believe that it's been four years. My life four years ago is so different from what it is currently. I'm very excited that I'm heading towards my five year mark since my diagnosis but I know recurrences can always happen. I've unfortunately seen it recently to someone that is young and had a bilateral mastectomy.

I've been on Tamoxifen for over three years now. I can handle the hot flashes now that it's finally cooled down in Austin. I'm still having a hard time with sleep. I have my four month check up coming up and I'll have to chat with my doctor about that.

Here's to four years and counting! Happy Halloween and Happy almost November!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pictures of my hair about 3 years post chemo & my up coming cancerversary

Pink weekend at The Smile Never Fades Gala September 25, 2009 Blog and extra picture taken by Michael Barnes.

14th Annual Champagne Brunch September 27, 2009
So it's getting pretty long. My goal is to grow it long and then donate my hair again. There's still a little chemo curl/wave left but nothing that is overly bothersome. I love being able to put it in a ponytail or clipping it up. Talk about learning to appreciate what you have/had!

November 16th will be my 4 year Cancerversary. Someone coined this word apparently and it marks the day you were diagnosed with cancer. It falls on Monday this year but I plan on celebrating the weekend prior. Heck, celebrate all month since my 33rd birthday is coming up too!

Love for My Doctors

I love my doctors. I trust them. Everyone needs a doctor to fill certain needs. Some people need to be motherly and nurturing. Others need them to be God. I want someone that is good.

After my late diagnosis back in 2005 and my issues with my first plastic surgeon, I've been very fortunate to love all my doctors. My first impression of my oncologist was dedication. It was my doctor's day off and she came into speak to me because I was just diagnosed.

Once again I love her. I've been seeing a neurologist to figure out my neuropathy. MRI of the brachial plexus and it came back with questionable findings in my left lymph node. My cancer was in the right breast and I had a sentile node biopsy done on the right side and it was clear. She called to let me know what they found in the MRI but for not for me to be alarmed and she would schedule a CT scan first thing tomorrow morning. 48 hours later and she called letting me know that it was clear. She said she was going to have a drink that night to celebrate. Of course that 48 hours was nightmarish and we know that too many scans to show false negatives. However, I love how she was on top of things. It was my neurologist that ordered the brachial plexus MRI and not her. I rather be safe than sorry since we know what happened to me back in 2005.

I feel good about my other docs too. I think that is the most important thing when you choose a doctor. You need to figure out what YOU need from a doctor. Do your research. Ask around. Get a second or third opinion if you feel iffy. I hear all the time how one person adored one doctor and one person could not stand that doctor. I want someone that will listen to me, or humor me, and someone that is skilled/qualified. It's only a bonus when they are compassionate or funny.