I try to make it back to New Mexico twice a year. This year was no exception. I was there for about a week in July and I always have a blast spending quality time with my nephews and friends back home.
My father and I have a ritual. He picks me up to the airport and we head straight to Sunflower Market to pick up my supply of fruits and vegetables for my green drink. I'm very fortunate that my family owns a Vitamix which is a high end blender so I do not have to go without my green drinks.
My sister isn't always consistent with blending with the boys because of their hectic schedule. I blend while I'm there and insist that the boys will have some of it, even if it's from a shot glass! I've learned that it's very important to go fruit heavy for them. The above picture is Ben, the 4.5 year old, that really enjoyed that green drink. I did add vanilla yogurt to that one and he LOVED it! He didn't seem to enjoy the ones w/o yogurt as much but drank it just for me. I'll take it!
Besides the occasional Greek yogurt and cheese, I've phased out dairy from my diet. I doubt I'll be hard core on that but I've found almond milk from Whole Foods to be a good alternative for me. I have not found a clean and/or tasty cheese alternative yet but this is a start.
Ryan, almost 9, is good at chugging things whether he enjoys it or not. They love their Aunt so bottoms up!
My last shameless plug to please consider donating to my Mamma Jamma ride October 1st. This picture was taken with Ben right before I left for the airport. My mom said he cried his little eyes out when I left. My sweet little nephews are growing up so quickly!