Saturday, August 15, 2009

?Carpal Tunnel?

I went to see my new neurologist last week and adore her. She asked me about 101 questions, looked me over quite extensively and did random tests on my arms, legs, hands and feet. For starters, she thinks I may have carpal tunnel. I get to wear these fashionable arm splints to bed. I'm so excited about that. She will perform an EMG on me in two weeks. Here's a low down on what it is:

Electromyography, or EMG, involves testing the electrical activity of muscles. Often, EMG testing is performed with another test that measures the conducting function of nerves. This is called a nerve conduction study. Because both tests are often performed at the same office visit and by the same personnel, the risks and procedures generally apply to both tests.

Muscular movement involves the action of muscles and nerves and needs an electrical current. This electrical current is much weaker than the one in your household wiring.

In some medical conditions the electrical activity of the muscles or nerves is not normal. Finding and describing these electrical properties in the muscle or nerve may help your doctor diagnose your condition.

EMG may aid with the diagnosis of nerve compression or injury (such as carpal tunnel syndrome), nerve root injury (such as sciatica), and with other problems of the muscles or nerves. Less common medical conditions include amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, and muscular dystrophy.

Then she questioned me about my headaches/migraines. Whoa! That's not the reason why I went in but she thought a brain MRI would be helpful. Hmmm...I was supposed to get that done and a PET scan during my last scans but it didn't happen. She didn't quite explain to me the need for a brain MRI except to check out my migraine or headache that occurs about once a month which I find it to be more hormonal based. Went in to check on my tingling hands and may need to check my brain after all...

Of course, I googled carpal tunnel when I got home. Possible causes includes: being female (check,) family history of hypothyroid (mom has either hypo or hyper need to ask her but maybe check,) diabetes (check uncle passed away from it,) obesity (I'm not obese but even more reasons to get over my plateu,) and hormonal changes (check after good ole chemo and Tamoxifen.) I'm not liking the idea of carpal tunnel but it seems fairly manageable. Maybe acupuncture may help? Change the way I type? Hopefully I'll learn more after my EMG. Will keep you posted.

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