Sunday, October 31, 2010

Scary Halloween

I flip flopped all month long about what to do for Halloween. My first year moving out from my parents I decorate and had a big bucket of treats but no trick-or-treaters came. I'm not usually home for Halloween but I decided to give out treats after speaking to a friend of mind last minute. Last minute like 5:32pm today. I slapped on my running shoes and jogged to my nearest HEB.

I was astonished at the bad ingredients in my beloved childhood candy bars. Most of them had hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup in them. I will have to purchase my candy from Whole Foods next year and I really hope companies will start cleaning up their products.

Nutella used to have hydrogenated oils in it but it appears like they changed the oil. I'm uncertain how clean the new oil is but hopefully it is for the better. I actually do not buy Nutella but used to eat that as a child.

I really like how some people are giving out play doh, pretzels and other healthier and cleaner options. I will join them in the future if I choose to give out candy. Of course you can't be good all the time and you can't take Halloween away from your children. You can teach them about making healthy choices and about moderation of not so healthy stuff.

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